Month: December 2023

Bugs… There are always bugs…

Well, this just serves to prove.. No matter how hard you test, watch, examine, rewrite and try to bugproof your code, there will always be something. Just fired off another update for That Cribbage Game.. And trust me, I appreciate the feedback! The game has had amazing sales and everyone loves it, and every bug squashed just makes it better for everyone else!

So, turns out there was a bit of code that for some reason I was taking the boardsize and subtracting 1.. so basically what would happen, is in the rare case that you collected enough points to land on the 120 hole exactly.. the game just said, I’m moving you to 121, you won!!! Thanks to Heather and Mark who notified me and captured it on video, we found it, squashed it, tested it, and sent it off to be deployed.. 

This just says it doesn’t matter how many people you have testing and playing and for however long test, someone will always find something that slips through the cracks.. Mind you cribbage is a complicated game that a lot of people don’t even know how to play, that makes it much tougher for testing as well.. 

Enough rambling.. back to coding.. Got bugs in CashFlo to squash and I’m sure there are bugs in the 5 ongoing projects, so…. =D

Final Touches… And Another One Done…

Well, what was started back in June is now done.. Now mind you I took a 90 day break to work on That Cribbage Game, so if I started this in June, through December 1, works out to 6 months there, minus 90 for Cribbage, so about the same time frame; a full board game done in 90 days.. Rather proud of myself.. Of course due the timing and the time for testing, plus closures during the holiday season, it means this wont see publication until January, but hey, it’s done!

I still have to do up all the write ups and the media, screenshots, videos etc for it, and I’m sure I’m going to look at performance tweaks.. At least on the game table, which is lowest hardware, it’s running 15fps.. I am going to almost guarantee that’s due to images and compression, so once all that is tweaked, it should be 30fps.. I’m also sure it’s going to run much better on the game board.. better and faster hardware and all. 

So overall sine June, that makes 2 games done.. I’m rather proud of myself.. Now if I can cut that time down to 60 days or so?  Then i cant get the next 5 projects done next year.. Lol    5.. Lets see, Opanico, Gremlins Grotto, Frustration, Precision, and Delve.. 3 are clones of other popular games, and 2 are unique titles. All will be developed exclusively for the Infinity Game Table right now.. 

Anyways, thinking bedtime… it was a good day!

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