Working on some basic AI
So this last week has been dedicated to working out some basic AI players for this latest project, CashFlo.. Mind you this is pretty simplistic stuff, definitely nothing special or that’s going to win any awards or anything, but it’s still AI, and it’s still a challenge to make it “look and feel” like a real player. Mostly in this case, it’s going to be a pretty simplistic set of rules to determine outcomes. Do I have enough money to purchase this? Am I in the hole already? Is the loan amount needed more than triple my current cash.. I’m trying to add some randomness to it to give it the illusion of thought behind it. Not to mention adding a few timed delays, and having the AI control a mouse cursor so it actually looks like a person playing, instead of pieces just simply clicking and flashing around.. I hope it will be worth it in this case, I just know I need to get busy and get this finished and off to the beta team as soon as possible, especially if I’m going to hit my deadline on my next project (in theory the next project is supposed to be done by thanksgiving). I should have had this done at the beginning of the month, but ya know, there’s just been too many good game releases this month, namely BG3.. oops!

CashFlo almost completed… And a new website…
Cashflo is almost completed and ready to begin beta testing. Only a few minor things are left to implement and test before handing over the APK. Here’s to hoping they wont find any bugs, but we all know that’s wishful thinking! And also, obviously if you’re reading this, the new website is up! Finally took the time that I shouldn’t have away from cashflo to work on updating and getting a website thats actually maintainable without editing code. As much as I have always hated wordpress in the past, it does make some things easier at least! It also comes with it’s own whole ball of problems. I can’t wait……..

Popalot Master Released on the IGT
Tetridoku has been released on the Infinity Game Table store!