It was about time.. time for a new web host that is. My old provider gave me a LOT of flexibility, and to be honest, I am going to miss that. However, the server speed and everything seemed to really be slowing down, especially moving to wordpress. 

I’ve always hated wordpress, it’s a complicated nightmare of a system where everything you need is a plugin, and guess what, every one of those plugins wants you to pay like “Only $99 a year”.. now add that up for the 10-30 plugins you need, and yeah. To get your premium, you’re going pay out your a$$.. Fortunately if you look around and make do and settle, it may not be perfect but at least I dont have fork over a ton of cash.. Now the complexities of setting things up, thats another story. No matter what they say, wordpress is a pain in the ass to work with and set up. 

But, moving to the new host the speed is there, and updated database and PHP versions, which is something I needed. The new host is more convoluted, it’s one of those new “you can have up to 10 websites on this plan!” and of course, each website is like it’s own little virtual space, which means all my previous redirects and subdomains to different things all had to be redone and reworked to work within their system. PITA, but I think it’s done.. I hope so at least, since i already moved the DNS and yeah..

Also in the works, and slowing any actual work down, I had to design and get a new website up for my wifes daycare as well, so if you want to check hers out, here ya go:

The final kink, is my little NAS server has outgrown itself in terms of age and capacity, so there is a nice upgrade going on and moving codebases and music and art packages and everything over to the shiny new Synology NAS with the 8TB drive I stuck in there. Doesn’t help that a lot of stuff is stored on this little 4TB usb drive, which is SLOWER than hell copying files.. Oh well..

It’s been a week of things keeping me from meaningful progress, but it’s stuff that needed to be done, and it’s almost done.. 

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