Month: January 2024

CashFlo Release Scheduled

Another year, another great game release, and hopefully only the first of many!

In their terminology, CashFlo has been code released. What does that mean? We have a release date! Wooooohooooo! So, on Feb 6th, jump onto your gameboard or table and snatch this one up fast!

They found a lot of bugs, and some especially difficult ones to track down as well. It left me searching through code until the very last moment. You’d think a board game would be pretty simplistic, but, lesson learned.. It’s anything but!

It did however give me a lot of ideas and a lot of reuseable code and things to work with for upcoming releases, and with each version and each game, some of those components get better and better and more and more robust, like the player select code.. Yea, I limit to 4 players typically, but if I had to my player select will handle pretty much whatever I throw at it, and it works surprisingly well. It was copied into Rogues and Riches, and is being copied into the next 4 projects as well. I have about 6 total projects in the work, so i’m hoping I can keep pace and release something new every 2 months or so. We’ll see how this goes! For now, it’s time to get back to work!

Cribbage Released and Climbing..

Cribbage was released on 12/5.. and despite the bugs, (that we have fixed!)  it continues to climb in sales, already surpassing Popalot and two thirds of the way to Tetridoku! Definitely surpassed my expectations, especially in the first 30 days. Now, there numbers and mine didn’t exactly line up, but theres a lot of reasons for that. I did see a bunch posts on social media where people had connectivity issues , so they’d only connect to a hotspot to download, and not stay connected while playing, which would in turn affect my tracking.. So, looks like my portion will be a little more than I expected.. 

But now that that is done and out of the way, it’s been back to work on some of the other projects sitting around, notably CashFlo, which is currently in beta testing and looking to be released next month. Also coming up will be Rogues & Riches, a board and card game based on robbing the vault and escaping before you’re caught! Definitely a lot of quick fun and strategy involved, and I’m having a blast with it!

Once Rogues is off to beta test, it will be time to move on to other projects.. still have goblins grotto, delve, opanico, skip, frustration and more.. I have enough on my plate to last through the year, and maybe then some.. Sigh.. That’s ok I guess, I am loving it and loving that people are having a great time playing my games! Thank you!

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