
Opânico Release! & Upcoming Projects…

Opânico Released! Woohooo!

Another game released after a long and arduous beta process; but in the end it was worth it and the game is definitely better for it!

In what spare time I have been able to scrape up, I managed to get the vast majority of Scratch’n Score gameplay done, so now it’s mostly minor cosmetics, adding the splash and polish that a good game needs, along with all the boring mundane stuff like the player select and instructions.. the list goes on and on. I have some ideas on enhancements to make on this one before release, including a couple additional game modes I have been contemplating.

Coming Up Next...

I still have a multitude of ideas and projects in the works, but I’m going to be focusing on five main titles in the upcoming months, roughly in this order… Unless I come up with a different better idea that strikes my fancy at that particular moment, in which case everything below is out the window. Short attention span and all… 😉

As for timelines? With my schedule, who knows.. But I am aiming to have the first out the door to the beta testers in the next 30 days. After that there, I’ll get back to working on Rogues ‘n Riches since it’s mostly complete and send that over. It’s not a fast paced game, so hopefully it will still be well received. The others haven’t even been started yet, so I have no idea on any kind of schedule.

Scratch’n Score

Roll the dice and race against your friends to reach the target score first. With each turn, match combos to rack up points and strategize your way to victory. Roll as much as you like as long as you don’t scratch out!

Rogues ‘n Riches

A strategy board game where you’re dealt a hand of cards, some may unlock doors while others may blind your opponent. Can you make it to the vault and escape to the exit before getting caught?

* * This one is mostly done. I’m hesitant to include an AI in this since you can play single player. I just need to do a little more testing before sending it out. 


Remember that game you played as a kid where you had to fit the shapes into the holes on the board before the time ran out and everything exploded? We’re doing it! This one will be great for adults and kids alike with varying difficulties! Can you beat it or is it just going to frustrate you some more?


It’s 9pm, your sitting there watching the intergalactic news like you always do, the only difference is your child just told you they have a science project due tomorrow morning… Great.. Another middle of the night abduction to take care of… When will they learn to let you know ahead of time that they need another human to probe?


A strategy game on a grid where your goal is to make it to the other side of the board. The only problem is your opponents and they walls they can place up at their whim as they try to block you! Be the first one to make it across and be declared the winner! Not sure if or how I am going to theme this yet, but I’m leaning towards sci-fi / tech.